Monday, January 25, 2010

UTARCOU Recruitment Drive

Dearest Kampar UTARians..
Have you ever heard of Chinese Orchestra?
No no no..
Don't mistaken it..
It's not an orchestra formed by only Chinese..
And yes.. It's about music..
EVERYONE can join it and it's REALLY FUN!!
Wanna know more?

Chinese Orchestra Unit of UTAR will be having recruitment drive starting tomorrow..
From 26th to 28th January..
Come to our booth at Cafeteria, Block C..
We will be waiting for you!!

~Lots Of Love~

1 comment:

  1. 嘻嘻,祝你们recruitment 一切顺利。
    本来要帮你们打广告的,可是看我blog 的人,都是在kl 的,好像无效。

